Upper Mississippi River Program

Gores Wildlife Management Area

This is a cooperative project with the US Army Corps of Engineers and MN DNR Forestry. The site is within the Gores State Wildlife Management Area between Hastings and Red Wing, and consists of mature stands of silver maple and ash. 

2012-13: The Corps of Engineers and MN DNR completed timber harvest at various plots throughout the project area, and followed that with tree planting.  

2014: Audubon completed post planting weed control on approximately 10 acres that had been previously planted with trees, and site prep including spot treating 3’ x 3’ patches with herbicide that were then planted with tree seedlings on an additional 10 acres.  

This project is completed. 

Funding was provided by the Outdoor Heritage Fund, McKnight Foundation, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Aveda Corporation.

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