Feeder placement

Feeder activity can be very highly associated with collisions.

Feeder activity can be very highly associated with collisions. It is important to take steps to protect the birds we attract to our yards with our plantings, feeding and watering stations and nesting opportunities. It’s such a shame to harm the very creatures we work so hard to attract.

It may surprise you but one of the simplest things you can do at a picture window is to place a feeder directly on the glass. This brings birds delightfully close – generally too close to cause harm if they are startled.

Remember the “Rule of 3 or 30”-- Relocate bird feeders and birdbaths so they’re either within 3 feet of a window, or farther than 30 feet away. A bird that hits the window from less than 3 feet away won’t be going fast enough to harm itself. And from 30 feet away, a bird may be able to maneuver around a hazard. Hawks are known to chase birds into windows and pick them up after they collide.

If your feeders aren’t directly on the glass, consider some of the other deterrents like screens or surface treatments.

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